Advanced Music course. Comments from students

Students come from all over Italy and all over the world to attend our advanced courses in piano, contemporary music for piano, viola, violin, cello, chamber music and orchestra excerpts. Almost 500 every year.

At Pinerolo station they step off one of the 49 trains that connect us to Turin daily, cross the park in front of the station, arrive at the Accademia, and climb the staircase of the stately old building that houses our school, once the Italian national Miltary Academy for Cavalry. Some are carrying only a small backpack (pianists have all the luck!), but others have travelled far to come here and as well as their instrument they’re pulling a small suitcase, because in Pinerolo they’re booked into accommodation at special rates offered to students of our school.

There’s always one of our office staff waiting to give them a warm welcome and one thing that we notice is that, no matter what country they come from, all these students have two things in common: an absolute passion for music and for their instrument, and immense determination. They’re ready for new challenging expériences, which will take them way out of their comfort zone, and they can’t wait to meet their teacher.


Since 1994 we have welcomed them and, together with our internationally famous teachers, we have designed a personalized teaching programme for each of them, with the aim of nurturing all facets of every student’s artistic personality. Today, this is recognised as a unique feature of our school. And it can be seen not only from the results achieved by our students, but also from the comments many of them have made in replying to our questionnaire. You will see that they praise our method as being virtually tailor-made to the needs of each student, a method which, over the years, has seen us become one of the most prestigious academies of advanced music studies in Italy. Enjoy their stories.

Read our students’ comments

PIANO: comments from students of our advanced music courses


    • The school is very well organized, the admin staff and teachers are professional and helpful. If you want to have the choice between the best teachers in Italy and in Europe, you’ll find practically all of them here in Pinerolo Luca Sacher (student of Roberto Plano)
    • The study at the Accademia di Musica is probably the most valuable we have had during all our period of studying. There is a great freedom to develop yourself and the Accademia backs the student to help this development. The teachers we have are extraordinary and it’s a great honour and inspiration to be around this calibre of people. Robert Poortinga (student of Maestro Pace)
    • The advanced music courses at the Accademia gave me the tools to deepen my understanding of music and the invaluable lessons that you can only learn when you are taught by Maestros like Enrico Pace and Roberto Plano, truly great musicians and human beings. What they also passed on to me were the values and the motivation that we musicians should always maintain as we carry forward our “mission to play music”. The school management, the staff and the admin office are all very supportive and perfectly organized! Salvatore Tirone (ex-student of Enrico Pace e Roberto Plano)
    • Every lesson with your teacher is a precious moment that can lead you to completely change your ideas about aspects of music that you have come to take for granted, as well as enabling you to develop and define your own thoughts about and your personal taste in music. Often when you leave the Accademia after a lesson, the world seems different … More colourful! Federico Caneva (student of Roberto Plano)
    • The Accademia allowed me to study with outstanding musicians whom I admire tremendously, and the warm, home-like atmosphere of the school made my experience doubly satisfying. Monserrat Bravo (student of Enrico Stellini, Pietro de Maria, Andrea Lucchesini)
    • The course enabled me to broaden my knowledge of contemporary music, which, as we all know, is rarely taught in Italian Conservatories. In addition, it was an honour and an incredible opportunity to be able to study with Emanuele Arciuli, the absolute peak of excellence for this music in the whole of Italy. Ileana Tomasiello (ex-student of Emanuele Arciuli)
    • Teachers who have incredible expertise and are great human beings, combined with a positive atmosphere and relationship between students, and impeccable organization from the school. Simone Sammicheli (student of Enrico Pace)
    • Studying at the Accademia is an absolutely unique esperience: the standard of teaching is very, very high and you have real opportunities to develop and to grow. Marta Cirio (student of Enrico Pace )
    • Superb organization, professional approach and maximum support, from both the Accademia admin staff and the teachers. A top level school for young musicians who wish to grow and to progress further in their music studies. Alessandro Schiano Moriello (student of Benedetto Lupo)
    • Great attention to detail and to precision in every aspect of any piece of music. Focus also on gesture, on the particular study path suited to each student. Great attention to the students as individuals and sensitivity to their needs. Lorenzo Tomasini (ex student of Giovanni Doria Miglietta, Enrico Pace)
    • I found here a learning environment that was calm and absolutely serious, yet, at the same time, very free. The teaching was very professional and stimulating, providing me with very valuable advice that was a great help in preparing for performance deadlines in the short and long term and for artistic projects. Daniele Defilippis (student of Giovanni Doria Miglietta, Enrico Pace)
    • The experience of studying advanced music at the Accademia of Pinerolo enables you to explore and understand concepts that we sometimes take for granted, and give very little time to when we are practising alone. Thanks to the vast experience of the teachers here, Accademia students are able to make a deep study of sound and timbre, and, as a result, to bring their playing up to a much higher level. Andrea Mancini (ex-student of Gabriele Carcano)
    • I’ve had the opportunity to study advanced music with excellent teachers, bringing me into close contact with the wider world of music. Alessandro Vaccarino (allievo di Daniela Carapelli)
    • It is crucial to our music training to be able to study with people who work full time as musicians, every day of their lives, like the great teachers at this school, who are ready to help their students at any moment, even outside lesson times. At the Accademia teachers deal with every facet of the life of a musician: from choosing pieces, to structuring your practice so that you can create an informed interpretation, consistent with the text, but expressive of the individual musical taste each of us has. And, of course, there are constant opportunities to share ideas about music and to grow as a person as you grow in your music. My teachers talk with me about the most precise technical details, but we also talk about what the music communicates to us personally, and these discussions are always positive and very helpful. Anonimo (ex-student of Pietro De Maria, Andrea Lucchesini, Filippo Gamba, Ricardo Castro, Enrico Pace)
    • This has been the best experience I have ever had as a student, both from the point of view of the piano teaching and of the interpersonal relationships. Studying here gave me the opportunity to explore worlds that are completely different from those I found at the Conservatory, with the result that I really developed as a musician and as a person. Anonimo (allievo di Emanuele Arciuli)
    • I have only been studying at the school for a short time, but I have appreciated very much the dedication and enthusiasm shown by the teachers. The classrooms all have incredible pianos and the school office staff are well organised and really helpful. I can absolutely advise anyone to come and study in this fantastic Accademia! Nicoló Giuliano Tuccia (student of Pietro de Maria, Enrico Stellini, Andrea Lucchesini)
    • Given my own experience in the short time I have been studying here and the accounts I have heard of other students’ experiences, I can vouch for the fact that the Accademia is an extremely stimulating teaching/learning environment. MGA (student of Stellini Pietro de Maria)


corsi perfezionamento pianoforte archi viola violino violoncello

VIOLIN: comments from students of our advanced music courses


    • Studying at the Accademia has allowed me to experience an international music environment without leaving Italy, while the wonderful relationship I formed with a teacher of the highest level has helped me to develop so much, both as a musician and as a human being. Clarissa Leonardini (student of Lucia Hall)
    • The ideal environment to make progress in advanced music studies. The high calibre of the teachers, the wide variety of courses, the professional organization of the school, all make the Accademia a unique place to study. Ginevra Bassetti (student of Adrian Pinzaru)
    • The teachers are superbly professional and the organization of the school is excellent. The advanced courses at the Accademia were fundamental for me to acquire a much deeper knowledge of my instrument and of repertoire. It is very different from the teaching approach you find in Conservatories. Ludovica Aurelia Fanelli (student of Dora Schwarzberg)
    • No words are enough to describe the impeccabile organization or my Maestro’s meticulous teaching, immense musical knowledge and great human kindness! The most wonderful experience I have ever had: a serious school with excellent standards! Ivana Sarubbi (student of Alessandro Milani)
    • I have the opportunity to study with a teacher who shows me exactly how I need to improve my playing in order to realize my dream of working in an orchestra. Anonimo (student of Alessandro Milani)
    • Maestro Milani instantly became a model for me of musical skill and humanity. An excellent, caring teacher, as well as a superb violinist. Anonimo (student of Alessandro Milani)
    • The Accademia courses are a wonderful opportunity to further your music studies with musicians who are brilliant teachers and also very supportive. Through the lessons I have had so far in my courses, I have been able to realise where my strengths lie and where I need to improve, and have been given practical advice on how to do so effectively. Anonimo (student of Alessandro Milani e Lukas Hagen)
    • Studying in the Accademia enables you to broaden your horizons as regards technique and performance, to explore new repertoires and helps you to prepare for working in the world of music Anonimo (student of Lucia Hall, Alessandro Milani)

Patrick Demenga Advanced course Cello

VIOLA: comments from students of our advanced music courses


    • Wonderful environment and atmosphere with teachers of the highest possible level. Francesco Mariani  (student of Simone Briatore)
    • An opportunity to work with truly great teachers who give excellent advice on how to approach the study of music and how to start out on a career as a musician. Christian Cutrona (student of Luca Ranieri)


CELLO: comments from students of our advanced music courses


    • I was able to really improve as a musician with the help of two excellent teachers who were also very supportive. If I had any problem or doubts I could always count on Cinzia (the Accademia secretary) who was always so kind and ready to help me. I also formed a good relationship with the pianist who accompanied my class: an excellent musician who was always ready to practise with me.  Anonimo (student of Marianne Chen)
    • The Accademia brought me into contact with teachers of the highest calibre and gave me the opportunity to work with them and to improve my performance skills. The experience as a whole has made me more responsible for my own learning and more independent as a musician and a person. Anonimo (student of Marianne Chen)


CHAMBER MUSIC: comments from students of our advanced music courses


    • For me this course was a valuable opportunity to find new approaches to music and to grow as a musician in an environment that is both supportive and stimulating. You’ll see. You’ll grow so much and you’ll have fun! Silvia Gregoriani (student of Trio Debussy)





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