Privacy Policy

Policy information and consent for treatment of private data pursuant to EU regulations 2016/679.



Accademia di Musica, with head office in Viale Giolitti, 7 – 10064 Pinerolo (TO), pursuant to articles nos. 4, 7 and 24 of EU Regulations 2016/679 of 27 Aprile 2016 relating to the protection of persons in relation to the treatment of personal data (see below “Regulations”), informs the User (You) that we are the Data Controller of personal data collected by us and of the processing of these data. By processing we mean any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organisation, structure, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication through transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.



A. Purposes of the processing which the personal data will undergo as well as the legal basis for the said processing (art.13 par.1 subsection c, par. 2 subsection e). Personal data and information are requested directly from you, acquired as a result of your request for assistance or, in some cases, collected from third parties delegated by you and legally authorised to process and communicate these data. Specific processing of your personal data, or of personal data of which you are the Controller, is strictly dependent on the prior registration of your free and explicit consent, expressed by completing the consent form to be found at the end of this document. No processing of personal data will take place without Your consent; however, without Your consent You will be unable to access the services provided by the staff and collaborators of the Accademia di Musica. Your personal data will be handled exclusively for purposes relevant to: accessing the service You have requested; managing the Accademia’s data bank and the relationships with companies that collaborate with the Accademia; protection of our financial interests; fulfilling administrative, tax or legal  requirements; in compliance with requests from political or legal bodies, or monitoring agencies. We inform you that your data will be handled manually or using electronic supports.



B. Automated decision-making (art.13 par.2 subsection f) No data collected will be subject to any automated decision-making process, including profiling.



C. Recipients and/or categories of recipients for whom the handling is intended (art. 13 par.1 subsection e) Data handled by the Accademia di Musica may be communicated to companies and professionals who collaborate with the Accademia and who are recognised as responsibile for the handling of these data.



D. Transfer of data to third parties (art. 13 par.1 subsection f) No data collected will be sent to third parties.



E. Storage of personal data and other information (art. 13 par.2 subsection a)Personal Data shall be stored only for the time strictly necessary for the purposes detailed in Paragragh A, and in any case within the limits set by the current laws.



F. Data Controller and Data Processors (art.13 par.1 subsections a, b) The Data Controller is the following: Accademia di Musica, with legally registered office at Viale Giolitti, 7 – 10064 Pinerolo (TO), e-mail for rights claims is: The Data Processor is Mr. Pugliaro Giorgio; the person responsible for treatment of the personal data is Ms. Laura Richaud. The full, updated list of the persons responsible for data treatment and handling can be viewed at the Accademia di Musica’s abovementioned legal office.



G. Exercise of rights by the person concerned (art.13 par.2 subsection b, c, d) Pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 Chapter III Articles 12 to 23, we inform the client that he/she has the right to request from the Data Controller: art.12: Information, Transparent communications and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject; art.13: Information to be provided when the personal data are collected from the data subject; art.14: Information to be provided if the data have not been obtained from the data subject; art.15: Right of access by the data subject; art.16: Right of rectification; art.17: Right of erasure (right to be forgotten); art.18: Right of restriction to processing; art.19: Obligation to notify in case of rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction to processing; art.20: Right to data portability; art.21: Right to object; art.22: Automated individual decision-making, including profiling; art.23: Restrictions. Details of the above regulations can be found on the EU website on personal data protection. The data subject has the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal nor shall it affect the data subject’s right to object with a controlling agency. These rights may be exercised by applying to the persons and addresses cited in paragraph F.



If you have read the above, we now consider that you are fully informed about our treatment of your personal data.