Absolutely new in the field of music education in Italy, our Post-graduate specialist courses in music performance offer two years of training in solo piano and solo contemporary piano. The degree conferred by the Accademia di Musica on completion of our Course is officially recognised by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education and Research) as having a value of 3 points in any public competition for a teaching position in a higher education institute of music and dance performance.
Each course offers:
- Individual instrument lessons, generally held monthly, which are grouped into modules and taught by several teachers in order to guarantee a high level of specialist training. Therefore, it is not possible for applicants to choose a single teacher with whom they wish to study. Students are encouraged to attend the individual instrument lessons of other students as auditors (Teachers: Pavel Gililov, Andrea Lucchesini, Enrico Pace, Roberto Plano).
- Group lessons in chamber music, which will be held in residential sessions at one of the venues used by the Accademia (Teachers: Trio di Parma, Trio Debussy).
- Group lessons in analysis, and history of music, law and the music business, which will be held preferably in residential sessions. These lessons may also be conducted, totally or in part, in distance learning mode (Teachers Music analysis, contemporary music: Francesco Antonioni, Vittoria Fontana Artist Consulting; Teachers Agents and professional music business: Vittoria Fontana Artist Consulting, Lucia Maggi); Teachers instruments care: Francesco Cannavacciuolo.
Compulsory attendance (80%) for courses on the study programme. The Management of the Accademia reserves the right to modify the previously established calendar of lessons subsequent to force majeure events (e.g. pandemic)
To be eligible to apply for the course candidates must possess a second level degree in music from a university-level school of music (Conservatoires and ex IMPs), or from an institute of higher education authorised to award certificates of Advanced Studies in Art, Music and Dance (as per Italian law ex art. 11 DPR 8 July 2005, no.212). Applications from candidates with certification or a qualification from another country that is legally recognised as equivalent will also be considered. Students who complete the Specialist courses will be awarded a qualification recognised by the MIUR (Ministry for Education, Universities and Research) as being equivalent to that awarded by other schools offering Specialist degrees in music (Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Musicali Strumentali). For further information consult the Regulations.
Each student must be equipped with a webcam with a small microphone and internet connection.
In order to apply for these courses candidates must complete the application form below and send it accompanied by:
- ID documentation (jpg or pdf);
- CV/resumé (doc or pdf);
- Receipt of payment of the application fee (jpg or pdf);
- Link to video (see Entrance exam);
- Signed privacy consent form;
- Signed image release consent form;
- One high-resolution (300 dpi) photo of the candidate, preferably taken during a concert performance;
- The repertoire already performed as chamber music (doc or pdf).
- The signed Regulations
In order to apply for these courses candidates must complete the application form below and send it no later than 26/5/2025.
There are two stages to the selection process.
The admission panel will first assess the candidate’s CV/resumé, which must be accompanied by a video of 15 minutes (minimum) to 30 minutes (maximum). The candidate must provide us with the link for this video, viewable on a platform for storing and sharing contents online (such as Youtube, Google Drive, Vimeo…). The results of the first stage of selection will be communicated to candidates by e-mail. The video must include:
- A sonata by Domenico Scarlatti
- The first movement of a classical sonata
- An important work, or part of it, chosen between Romantic and Modern composers, including Maurice Ravel
Candidates admitted to the second stage of selection must take an audition in which they are required to give a live performance of the pieces they played in the video (from a minimum of 10 minutes to a maximum of 20). Auditions will take place in Turin.
For the admitted candidates this will be followed by a personal interview.
Before applying, you must pay the registration fee of €100, which is non-refundable. The receipt payment must be attached when you send your application. Bank transfers must be made payable to:
Fondazione Accademia di Musica ETS
Intesa Sanpaolo
IBAN IT80V0306930750100000114876
Motivation: Name and Surname + Application fee for Postgraduate Piano Course
ANNUAL FEE: €6,500
The annual fee for tuition should be €8,500, but thanks to the commitment of the Fondazione Accademia di Musica, which has established scholarships of €2,000 each for all students admitted to the two-year course, the annual fee payable is only €6,500. The Academy is untiring in searching for other scholarships: the financial value of these scholarships will be depend on the resources made available by companies, forms, public and private institutions, or by individual donors and bequests.
The total amount of the tuition fees, excluding possible deductions for a bursary awarded, must be paid in three installments. Further information will be provided by the secretary at the beginning of each year.
Any student wishing to withdraw from the course may do so by means of a written statement addressed to the Management of the Accademia di Musica. No refund of fees paid will be possible.