Postgraduate Specialist Courses in Music Performance



A teaching programme centred around the student, providing the method, tools and interdisciplinary competences that are today essential to embark on a career as a professional musician”.

Laura Richaud, President of the Accademia di Musica

From its inception in 1994, the Accademia di Musica of Pinerolo rapidly developed into an internationally famous centre of music studies, known for its innovative approach. We have always been dedicated to developing the artistic personalities of our students, whether they be very young talents or graduates, through our advanced music courses and masterclasses, as well as our bi-annual international chamber music competition. We are now proud to announce the latest, long-awaited achievement in our progress: early in 2019, we received authorisation from the MIUR – Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR – Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca oggi Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito) and later by MUR – Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca / MUR – Universitaly for our Scuola di Specializzazione (Postgraduate Specialist Courses in Music Performancein piano solo, piano solo in contemporary music, violin or cello (D.M. n. 393 del 30/04/2019). 



Students who complete the Specialist courses will be awarded a qualification recognised by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education and Research) as equivalent to that awarded by other schools offering Specialist degrees, Corso di Specializzazione (D.L. 31/1/2006). To be eligible to apply for the course candidates must possess a second level degree in music from a university-level school of music (Conservatoires and ex IMPs), or from an institute of higher education authorised to award certificates of Advanced Studies in Art, Music and Dance (as per Italian law ex art. 11 DPR 8 July 2005, no.212), or certification or a qualification from another country which is legally recognised as equivalent.




The 3rd level postgraduate degree conferred by the Accademia di Musica on completion of our Postgraduate Specialist Course in Musical Performance is officially recognised by MIUR Italian Ministry of Education and Research as having a value of 3 points in any public competition for a teaching position in a higher education institute of music and dance performance.


Così come disposto dal decreto ministeriale 1° giugno 2017, n 374, la cui tabella A al punto D6 riconosce un punteggio per i ‘diplomi di specializzazione universitaria’, anche la nota MIUR 9 giugno 2011, prot. 3154, riconosce, al punto 2 dei titoli artistico-culturali e professionali, un punteggio per i diplomi di specializzazione rilasciati da università, a cui è equiparato il titolo rilasciato dalla nostra Accademia. Trattando la nota 3154 di graduatorie d’istituto delle istituzioni AFAM, il punteggio per i diplomi di specializzazione universitaria, cui il nostro titolo è equipollente, è pari a Punti 3.



The teachers chosen to hold our courses are high-profile musicians of international renown, who are dedicated, generous teachers.

2025/27 TEACHERS:

Emanuele Arciuli, Nicolas Hodges, Ralph van Raat, Maki Namekawa


– MUSIC ANALYSIS, CONTEMPORARY MUSIC (history, study, ensemble playing):
Francesco Antonioni, Vittoria Fontana Artists Consulting

Vittoria Fontana Artists ConsultingLucia Maggi

Trio di Parma, Trio Debussy

Francesco Cannavacciuolo




The two-year study pathway includes individual specialist courses in instrument (taught by high profile international teachers), residential group lessons (week-long modules) and a personalised development pathway under the supervision of music specialists.

Lectures, seminars, workshops, plus opportunities to perform in public, in concerts organised by important music associations and in special events, complete a study programme that covers all aspects of the professions open to musicians today.

Lessons will be held in the Accademia di Musica in Pinerolo, and in Turin. 



The aim of our post-graduate specialist courses in solo piano and solo contemporary piano is not only to enable our students to acquire competences in their music specialism in all its forms but also to prepare them for their work as free-lance music professionals, providing them with the necessary skills in music business and management

In launching these new courses, we are realizing in full a long-cherished dream, a project which we began more than twenty-five years ago”, says Laura Richaud. “If you look at the world of music and musicians, the first thing you notice is how many different interpretations there are of the term ‘concert performer’. The traditional career pathway is music studies/competitions/concerts; however, in the reality of the music scene today, it is very clear that there is a constant need for musicians to diversify and, above all, to specialise.  Yet again, the goal of the Accademia is to create a detailed pathway that will help the student to map out their own personal career, taking into account their individual talents and personality, as well as market demands“.




This project will enable students who already possess a general master’s degree to specialise musically and to develop professional skills.  These will be students who no longer need close guidance from a single teacher.

In our project all the components of the course, including the instrument studies, are developed by and divided between a team of teachers, with the result that our students are exposed to a wide and varied range of different schools, languages, interpretative styles and aesthetic approaches.





Concerts are a great training opportunity, since receiving direct feedback during a live performance is an essential part of the artistic, technical and interpretative growth of every musician. Playing on prestigious stages also brings more pressure and responsibility as you are performing in front of an audience that often includes music lovers, critics, music industry experts and music professionals, who expect high-level performances. Therefore, over the course of the two years, Specialisation students will take part, as professional musicians, in live performances that are always challenging and rewarding at important musical events.

  • These include performances for Associazione Talenti Vulcanici in Naples, Festival Cristofori in Padua, Busoni Mahler Foundation in Bolzano, La Società dei Concerti di Milano , Progetto Ligeti in collaboration with Marche Musica, Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, Accademia di Studi Pianistici ‘Antonio Ricci’ in Udine, Cherry Notes of Unione Musicale in Turin, and Bari Piano Festival;
  • included in the programmes of festivals organised by the Accademia di Musica (Festival InCrescendo, Musica d’Estate, Le Strade dei Forti, Ensemble Accademia), both as soloists and in chamber ensembles;
  • as part of the initiatives planned in co-operation with CIDIM and the
    Re.A.Co network of concert associations.



Pro Carriera, a post-graduate career guidance service, aims to provide students with support and orientation in developing their professional careers.


This guidance will take into account the individual musician’s previous training, personal interests outside music and their specific talents, skills and courses.

The consultation service, which is an integral part of the course, will take the form of individual orientation sessions, with the aim of providing the student with the tools necessary to deal with the complexities of working in the field of music and culture.




Accademia di Musica, who are always very active in promoting the artistic career of young students, often recommend the best musicians for concerts. During the pandemic period, Accademia di Musica published I martedì on line, six new concerts on YouTube played by students of postgraduate courses. Each concert has an introduction by Francesco Antonioni, their teacher, composer and speaker on RAI-Radio3suite.


– Roberta Pandolfi piano Video>>
– Luca Colardo cello (with Quartetto Siegfried) Video>>
– Umberto Scali piano  Video>>
– Gianluca Pirisi cello  Video>>
– Antonia Comito piano  Video>>
– Stefano Raccagni violin   Video>>


Enrolment is now open for the 2025/27 courses (Deadline: 26/5/2025):


For any further information you may need and for the Accademia regulations:


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