Pro carriera


Pro Carriera, a post-graduate career guidance service for Postgraduate Specialist Courses in Music Performance – 3rd cycle, aims to provide students with support and orientation in developing their professional careers.

This guidance will take into account the individual musician’s previous training, personal interests outside music and their specific talents, skills and courses. The consultation service, which is an integral part of the course, will take the form of individual orientation sessions, with the aim of providing the student with the tools necessary to deal with the complexities of working in the field of music and culture.

What choices are open to students who complete this course?

One of the aims of the Pro Carriera orientation service is to help students to discover the professional pathway that suits them best, considering each individual musician’s previous training, personal interests outside music and their specific talents and skills. Careers in music can take many different forms, in a range of sectors: the skills acquired during this programme of studies can open the doors to a wide variety of professional roles, which could be very different from the traditional activities associated with the figure of a musician.

Guidance will be provided in regular one-on-one consultations, where students will also be given feedback on the internships and the workshops/seminars that are part of the course with a focus on a wide range of very different fields (e.g. artistic direction, production, artistic management, sound art, journalism, academic career in music, marketing and fundraising, informing the public about music, teaching and projects for schools, etc.).

Self management

In the era of social media it is essential for any musician to know how to present a clear professional image that fits the field of music they intend to work in. With the guidance of the Pro Carriera tutorials, students in our master’s course will be supported in preparing their CV, in writing a professional biography, in creating their own brand effectively through photos, videos, posts, interviews etc.  The final objective of these tutorials is to make the student an independent self-manager and, at the same time, to ensure that they are communicating a professional image that will attract the attention of managers, promoters, potential employers, etc.