Studying Music during Coronavirus: some ideas

Entire Italy is in lockdown due to the COVID-19 emergency, but Culture doesn’t stop in front of the disease e so does not study music. If you follow us on Facebook and Instagram , you already know it: some of our teachers, caring deeply about their students, decided to send them video-messages. We are sharing them here too, hoping it will be a precious viaticum for those, who study music with the same passion.

“The world is experiencing a very difficult time at the moment”. So begins Irvine Arditti’s message, the first of our teachers to speak to the students of the Postgraduate Specialist Courses. A concrete message, not only of hope – because as musicians “we can practice, we can study, we can read” – but also giving the students his willingness, if they want to write to him, to play for him, to ask him for advice, in order for them to continue their musical path also during the quarantine.


To deal with the “necessary distance” Emanuele Arciuli sends his message to the students of the Accademia di Pinerolo too, reminding us that this “forced staying in our houses” is also  “an opportunity to study and read new repertoire”. And goes on with his advice: “as a little tip, I invite you to always finger with extreme care, to find a done job, when you will work again on that piece”.  

“Keep working even now, keep working in order to make our music always better”. This is the message sent by Massimiliano Damerini to the students of the Accademia di Pinerolo, from his “study-bunker”. Keep working and deepening music also in a moment like this, which, even compared to difficult moments like the tragic floods in Genova, the Years of Lead and the Jugoslavian wars, “a time so strange, so odd, has never happened to me”. A message to remind everyone to hold on, during this quarantine and for all the months to come.

During this quarantine, when “we’re all asked to be responsible”, arrives the calming message by Enrico Pace to the students of the Academia di Pinerolo, to whom he gives his total willingness “for questions, issues, advises, with all the digital instruments we have”, in order to continue the didactical experience as much as possible also during this time. A time, which is however an opportunity “to slow down a bit our hectic lives”, trying to get something good out of this emergency.

From the US, where more and more universities and academies are scheduling their closure for the entire semester, arrives the message from Roberto Plano to the students of the Accademia di Pinerolo. A message that is, also for him, an invite to “use this time in the best way”, with some concrete suggestions:


  • Look for less-known repertoire, you never had time to further explore
  • Search with more and more attention your own, personal sound
  • Make well-defined plans for the future, in order to start with the right foot when this emergency will be in the past.


Suggestions valid for all the musicians: try to get the best for you out of this situation.



Claudio Pasceri too is sending his message to the students of the Accademia di Musica, reminding us to always look broader. These are difficult times, not only as individuals but also as a community. It’s in moments like these, that “we can allow ourselves to deepen some aspects less artistic, but maybe even more important in our community life”. For example “to examine in depth the Constitution, where we can find extraordinary articles”, which can help all of us citizens “living with more empathy also in moments like these”.

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