Rebecca Rita Ventrella

Rebecca Rita Ventrella studied with Angela Montemurro and Filippo Balducci with whom she achieved her Piano degree at the Niccolò Piccinni Conservatory of Music in Bari with top marks. She achieved the Second level diploma in Piano with honors and honorable mention, “for the understanding of musical discourse, balance and mastery of the piano, supported by a notable sense of color”.

She attended masterclasses with important personalities on the international music scene, such as Konstantin Bogino, Michael Wladkowski, Riccardo Risaliti, Bruno Canino and Daniel Rivera and attended the annual specialization course at the European Arts Academy “Aldo Ciccolini”.

She has won prizes in national and international competitions, always ranking in the top positions. She performed at the Piano City Napoli 2018, at the Corato Piano Festival in 2018 and 2021, for the Eurorchestra da camera di Bari directed by Maestro Francesco Lentini, with whom in the 2022-2023 season she performed the ballet La boite à joujoux by Debussy transcribed by Angela Montemurro. She performed at the Beethoven Acam Society during the Hera Concert Season of Magna Graecia in Crotone, receiving excellent critical feedback.

It has been said about her “Fluidity, declaimed but never rhetorical phrasing, freshness of inspiration and coloristic imagination were some of the most evident characteristics of Ventrella’s recital. The sound, always plastic, reserved unexpected veiling and brightness, allowing it to emerge naturally all the fullness of the spiritual elevation of the works interpreted.”

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