Silvia Turchetti

Silvia Turchetti was born in 1998 and began studying piano at the age of 6.

She graduated in Piano at the Conservatory “Gianbattista Martini” of Bologna, under the guidance of Daniela Landuzzi with whom she is currently attending the Master’s Degree in Piano at the same Conservatory.

In 2017, 2018 and 2019 he attended the San Marino International Summer Courses, advanced piano courses held by Stefano Malferrari in the Republic of San Marino, participating in the related final concerts. She also attended masterclasses with other pianists such as Sabrina Zelic.

In December 2019 he won the First Prize in the pianists section of the International Festival & Contest Competition held in Saratov (Russian Federation) and in October 2017 the Second Prize in the same competition.

In 2020 he won the Third Prize at the Ugo Amendola National Competition.

He has held several concerts playing both as a soloist and in Lieder formations, and in piano duo with the pianist Stefano Malferrari.

She has performed in various concert halls in Bologna, Sala Bossi of the Conservatory, Sala Mozart of the Regia Accademia Filarmonica, the Oratory of Santa Cecilia, the Museum of San Colombano, the Farnese Chapel and the International Museum and Library of Music, in various reviews including Musica in Fiore (at JS Bach – Well tempered harpsichord tour and Intorno al fortepiano: Bologna between harpsichord and piano) and for Corti, Chiese e Cortili at the Rocca dei Bentivoglio Foundation.

In other cities he has played at the Auditorium of the State Conservatory of Saratov (Russian Federal Republic), the Concordia Theater in Borgo Maggiore and the Titano Theater in San Marino (Republic of San Marino), the Storchi Theater in Modena and the Malatesta Castle of Longiano for the Tito Balestra Foundation.

She also deals with the contemporary piano repertoire and, on some occasions, she has performed pieces in first performances, in some cases dedicated to herself.

In spring 2021, his first CD containing music by Beethoven, Liszt, Schönberg, Webern, Conz was released for the record label EMA Vinci Records.

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3th level
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