Livia Gatto

Born on September 26, 1997 in Rome Livia Gatto began piano at the age of 6 with M° Paolo Costanzo.
He obtained the Bachelor Diploma cum laude and in 2023 the Master Diploma with honors in piano performance at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, under the guidance of M° Maura Pansini.
She was awarded in national and international competitions such as International Piano Competition ‘’Jacopo Napoli’’, National Competition ‘’La Palma D’Oro’’, International Music Competition for Youth ‘’Dinu Lipatti’’ in Rome, in chamber music category at the ‘’Young people play Petrassi’’ Competition, organized for the centenary of the composer’s death by Goffredo Petrassi Fund, and was selected to play in dedicated concerts. She has been selected to participate in numerous masterclasses with renowned musicians such as Roberto Plano, Andrea Lucchesini, Roberto Cappello, Anna Kravtchenko. She has performed as a soloist in San Gemini, Foligno, Mantua, in Palazzo Piacentini in San Benedetto del Tronto, at the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli in Rome for ”Gemelli in Musica”, for the concert season of the Romae Philharmonia Orchestra, in the Academic Hall of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in piano recital and for events in collaboration with the Academy of Hungary in Rome, also at Galleria Doria Pamphilj. In May 2022 she was selected to perform in the Piano City Pordenone festival.
In addition to her solo activity, she also devotes herself to chamber music. She also collaborated with Quinte Parallele, active in the field of music outreach, through the publication of articles and multimedia content. She also is a dedicated teacher, and has been teaching piano since 2019 at the Social Promotion Association ”Impronta Sonora” in Rome.

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