Sara Moro

Born in Palmi, she began her piano studies at the age of 9. She attended the “F. Cilea” Conservatory of Reggio Calabria studying with Maestro Antonio Tarallo and subsequently the “G. Verdi” Conservatory of Milan, graduating under the guidance of Maestro Marco Rapattoni. She has recently obtained, cum laude and honors, the II level academic diploma in piano soloist at the Conservatory of Music “N. Piccinni”of Bari, under the guidance of Maestro Emanuele Arciuli.
She regularly performs as soloist, with orchestra and in chamber ensembles, in particular violin and piano chamber duo with her brother Davide Moro, with a special focus on contemporary classical repertoire. Pieces by the composers T. De Felice and A. Siano were presented for the first time to an audience by Sara.
She has recently performed in cello and piano chamber duo with Enrico Bronzi.
She has played in various musical events, including: Valdarno Piano Festival, Pomeriggi Musicali Reggini, Amusicnet, Teatro La Rondinella Montefano Ancona, Teatro San Teodoro di Cantù, Euterpe Veneto Piano Group, Sharper Project University of Pavia, Municipality Library System of Milan, Danubia Talents Budapest, Piano Lab Martina Franca,
Versailles, Ritratti Festival Monopoli, Festival in the Sounds of Places Udine, Accademia Ducale Pietragalla Potenza, URTIcanti festival Bari.
She has competed in musical performance contests obtaining various awards, including:
– in piano solo – First Prize at the Brussels International Music Competition, Special Prize “J. S. Bach “at the International Piano Competition Euterpe in Corato (Bari), First Prize at the” Città di Baronissi “International Musical Competition, First Prize in the category and third on all participants in the Bernalda International Competition (Matera), Special Prize “Ewa
and Jan Storkås” for the best performance of an opera by a female composer thanks to the interpretation of the contemporary author Sofia Gubaidulina at the International Piano Competition “Città di Arona”; and – in chamber music – First Prize at the International Competition “Maria Giubilei” of Sansepolcro (AR) Contemporary Author Aection, Second Prize at the International Competition for Interpretation of Contemporary Music Foundation Flavio Vespasiano “Reate Festival”, First Prize at the “Luciano Luciani” Competition in Cosenza, Second Prize at the “Città di Barletta” International Competition, Second Prize at the “J. Brahms Interpretation” at the Competition of the “Città di Barcellona” (ME).
She has attended the masterclasses of Maestros: Andrea Turini, visiting professor at the “F. Cilea” Conservatory of Reggio Calabria with a periodic seminar on Bach performance, and maestro of the annual advanced courses at the Accademia Musicale Valdarnese, Antonio Tarallo at the Accademia Musicale Valsesiana and Michele Marvulli with the Ars Nova and
Mozart Italia Bari association.
In addition, Sara holds a MS in engineering (full marks and honors) from University of Pavia. During her university years she also attended the energy systems analysis department of Risø DTU – Technical University of Denmark. She was a science teacher at the regional training center CESVIP Lombardia and gave periodic seminars at the University of Pavia. Finally she
worked as asset and project manager for the construction and operation of wind farms and electrical substations with Whysol Investments group.
In addition to performing in concerts, she collaborates with the cultural association Amusicnet and is responsible for organizing concerts, conferences and other cultural and musical events, including academic ones (ie. Bicocca in Music Project). She is invited as a speaker at musical and multidisciplinary conferences (i.e. G. Radicula Association, Art & Science CERN).
She collaborates with the “N. Rota” of Monopoli as piano accompanist.
She is attending the II level course of chamber music at the Conservatory of Music “N. Piccinni “in Bari, under the guidance of Maestro Giuseppe Gravino, and the advanced course in contemporary piano music, under the guidance of Maestro Emanuele Arciuli, at the institution of high artistic training – Pinerolo Academy of Music.

ph Roberta Giordano

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