Born in Turin on August 29 in 1999 and started studying the violin at the age of 7 with the “Mozart” association. In 2010 she began studying at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Turin with Mº Paola Tumeo, later graduating in 2021 with Mº Umberto Fantini.
Over the years she has participated in numerous Masterclasses with Mº Mark Lakirovich, Ula Ulijona, Nigel Bardsley, Christophe Giovaninetti, Robert Becker, Juliana Yablonskaya, Mark Churchill and Gianandrea Noseda.
She has had the honor of playing in chamber ensembles with Nigel Bardsley and Mimi Dye.
During her career she has had the opportunity to play in such important halls as Sala Verdi of the Milan Conservatory, Auditorium of the Turin Conservatory, Sala Mosca of the Cuneo Conservatory, Auditorium Giovanni Agnelli, Teatro Alfieri in Asti, Teatro Giacosa in Ivrea, Teatro Splendor in Aosta, CineTeatro Baretti, Reggia di Venaria Reale, Castello del Valentino,
Palazzo Carignano.
She has collaborated with several orchestras including the OSCOM of Milan and the Monferrato Classic Orchestra where she held the role of second violin principal.
During her numerous orchestral activities, she has had the honor of accompanying soloists such as Umberto Clerici, Massimo Quarta, David Lakirovich, Benedict Kloeckner and playing under the direction of Antonello Allemandi, Pietro Mianiti, Roberto Abbado, Diego Ceretta, Jonaas Pitkanen, Mischa Lakirovich, Markus Pop, and Mark Churchill.
She participated at the Cremona International Music Academy and Festival from 2016 to 2019.
In March 2022 she starts playing the viola at the G. Verdi Conservatory of Turin with Mº Mauro Righini.
She is a student of the Fondazione Accademia di Musica.