Sara Abramovic was born on 07.12.1993. in Kragujevac. Her music education started when she was 5 years old in elementary school of music Dr. Miloje Milojevic in Kragujevac, piano
Very early she shows her talent. During her school days she demonstrates remarkable accomplishments. As a pianist, she performs and represents school on well recognized international and domestic competitions for young pianists and also on concerts organized by student cultural center, faculty and university of Kragujevac. In 2005 she performs in Brno, Czech Republic in the most respectable music halls of all in the town as well as on the concert organized within BALKAN CONFERENCE. In 2010 she finished a high school with the highest marks.
She shows high interests from the area of music. In the meanwhile she finished elementary school education of music on the department of solo singing. She has established a cooperation with many artists thereby being a participant of various chamber ensemble. As a pianist she has been involved in many projects and concerts.
At the year 2009 she enrolls on the first year of study on the Faculty of art, instrumental department for piano with Professor Natalija Tomic. She also participated as a pianist performer on the 4thworld pianist conference – Isidor Bajic in Novi Sad, in 2010. As a remarkable student with the highest average grade and in respect to all the accomplishments she was a winner of scholarship “AKADEMIK DRAGOSLAV SREJOVIC” awarded by the city of Kragujevac for 2011, 2012 and 2013. For achievements in the home country and abroad (1st reward on the international competition of young pianists in Gevgelija, FYROM, in 2011) she was awarded by the prize for young talents from the youth fund for young talents of Republic of Serbia.
She is a winner of the most recognized grant awarded by Serbian ministry of youth and sports – “DOSITEJ SCHOOLERSHIP” for academic year 2013/2014. As a senior student on the 4th year of the university studies, with an average grade 9, 8.
As an outstanding student in the piano department, with an average grade 10 from her major as well as for her accomplishments, she graduated and has been awarded by CERTIFICATE OF MERIT recognized by university of philology and art in Kragujevac.
Her MASTER studies, she finished on the Faculty of music arts in Belgrade, piano department.
She was a winner of “DOSITEJ SCHOOLERSHIP” for academic 2014/2015 year as being among 400 best students of master studies in Serbia.
Subsequently, on the same Faculty of music arts in Belgrade, she continued her studies attending and graduating specialist studies in academic year 2018/2020.
Currently she is employed as accompanist and teacher in music school Dr Miloje Milojevic in Kragujevac.