David Irimescu, of Romanian origins, was born in Italy in 1999 and soon turned out to be an extraordinary talent. Student at the “G. Verdi” of Turin since 2013, he has recently come to the attention of critics and public as the absolute winner of the 2018 edition of Amadeus Factory, the only talent-competition in Italy dedicated to classical music and produced by Sky TV in collaboration with the magazine Amadeus. Thanks to this award, David Irimescu will be touring promoted by “Gioventù Musicale Italiana” and will be the protagonist of a cover cd for Amadeus’ magazine.
David Irimescu’s musical experience began almost for fun when, at nine, he began following lectures by Marieta Gavrailova at the Artemus Music Association of Turin, city where he attended also his higher studies in the Musical High School “Cavour”, graduating in 2018 with top marks.
David Irimescu has won 26 awards in national and international competitions and music festivals. Praised for his early musical maturity and sound care, David Irimescu has attended masterclasses and lessons held by internationally renowned musicians, including Entremont, Achucarro, Béroff, Rana, Madzar, Delle Vigne-Fabbri, Scalafiotti, Voghera, Plano, Susan Shu-Chen Lin, Chin Chuan Chang, Chi Wu, Bidini, Fitenko, Pace, Butzberger, Martinez, Lipstein, Pisarenko
Already guest of important concert companies, has performed in Europe and USA, receiving always excellent public as well as critical acclaim. Also active in the chamber music field, he has played in various ensembles with piano, strings and winds, as well as taking part into the Italian National Musical High School Orchestra as soloist. In 2018 he also inaugurated the Turin Conservatory musical season performing Tchaikovsky’s Concerto n. 1, receiving a special scholarship for the best student from the piano department.
Appointed by the “Cavour” Music High School, he dedicated himself to a didactic project featuring a complementary piano course, having the purpose of preparing the students for the Conservatory entrance exam. In 2018, he has to stop his musical activities for health problems, and starts studying in detail the physiology of body and movements and the interaction between psyche and physical inclinations, first and foremost on himself and hence on students, with the help of disciplines such as Feldenkrais, Psychology, Phenomenology, Mindfulness, Mental Coaching, Kinesiology, Sat Nam Rasayan, Sound therapy, and many other means coming from Japanese, Chinese, Egyptian and Indian traditional medicine. Focusing on the musician’s well-being, continues to gather and integrate information, with the objective of spreading the musical verb among all people and preventing students from hurting themselves, facilitating instead their personal expression.
In 2023 David starts back giving concerts and graduates from Turin Conservatory under the guidance of maestro Claudio Voghera with top marks cum laude and special mention of honour, receives the BISMA 2023 scholarship and starts a collaboration with Unione Musicale in Turin. In 2024 he’s awarded a scholarship as best student from the Conservatory, in the class of Claudio Voghera, and is selected to be granted a scholarship to attend the University of Georgia (USA) in an international project. Thanks to the victory of the Open-Source scholarship, takes part into the Advanced Piano Course with maestro Enrico Pace at Accademia di Pinerolo.
Serving Music, he is dedicated as a musician to create an intersubjectively valid and sincere musical fruition and, as teacher and therapist, to sensibilize people to access more of themselves. He holds Music Listening seminars to closen further the listeners to the emotional and descriptive resources that lie deep down in them. The mission is to reset the coincidence between music and well-being through awareness.
He is a student of the Fondazione Accademia di Musica.