Clara De Santis

Clara De Santis starts play violin at age of ten, she won some competitions , like the first prize at Fourteenth edition of ‘’Concorso Internazionale Euterpe’’ in Corato. In 2018 she improves the study of violin with M. Vadim Brodski at ‘’Civica Scuola delle Arti’’ in Rome. She followed masterclasses in Italy with Laura Marzadori and Oleksandr Semchuk, and in Germany with Kathrin ten Hagen. Since 2019 she studies with M. Daniele Orlando. She graduated on bachelor’s degree at Conservatorio ‘’Umberto Giordano’’ in Foggia with full marks and honors. In December 2021 she was admitted to the ‘’SOLO – III ed.’’ course held by M. Oleksandr Semchuk from ‘’Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna’’. In July she plays like soloist , after be selection with an audition, from ‘’Musica nelle Corti di Capitanata 2022’’ in Foggia. She collaborated with ‘’Orchestra Giovanile Italiana’’ (OGI), playing at Konzerthaus of Berlin on the european festival ‘’Young Euro Classic’’.

She is a student of the Fondazione Accademia di Musica.

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