Masterclass Violin
Sergey Khachatryan
Study pathway

The 3 masterclasses taught by Sergey Khachatryan will be held at Accademia di Musica. The accompanying pianist is Alessandro Mosca.

  • 9-12 January 2024
  • 2 masterclasses until June 2024. The dates haven’t been announced yet.

Programme for the masterclasses is free. Each student will have one lessons (one hour) and will also be able to attend the other lessons. Others students will be able to attend the masterclass as auditors.


The Masterclass is open to violinists – also without the Diploma – who have already performed concerts or taken part in competitions.

Applying for admission


Applicants must complete and send the admission form below, which must reach our offices by:

  • 14th December 2023 for the first masterclass


Entrance exam

No entrance exams are required for the masterclasses, but for the selection process, students applying to join this course must send the link to a video file they have uploaded on Youtube (the programme performed on the video is free). Where applicants meet admission requirements equally, selection will be made on the basis of the date of submission of their applications.

Please, fill the form (every field) at the end of this page. When completing the application form the link to the video must be entered in the box “Admission requirements”.

Course fees

– Enrolment fee: € 65,00 for external students – € 40,00 for Accademia students
– Tuition fee: € 180,00

Attendance fee: € 30,00 per day


Payment of the enrolment fee must be made when you send your application to attend the Masterclass, by means of a bank draft or postal order made payable to ‘Accademia di Musica’, or by bank transfer to the account c/c IBAN IT71X0306909606100000101696 BIC (SWIFT) BCITITMM



If the applicant is NOT admitted to Masterclass the enrolment fee will be refunded. If the application is successful but the student withdraws from the Masterclass, there will be NO refund of the enrolment fee.

Sergey Khachatryan
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    Date of birth *

    Place of birth *

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    Address (including street no.) *

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    Email *

    Educational qualification *

    Eligibility Requirements:

    1. To apply for an Advanced Music Course or Light Course, enter admission exam programme

    2. To apply for a Masterclass enter study programme

    3. To apply for Musica d’Estate summer campus, enter study programme and the teacher

    4. Enter the link to the video for the selection, if required

    5. To apply for the Postgraduate course (3rd Cycle), enter description of chamber music experience to date

    DO NOT upload files with the same name.

    Privacy disclaimer (download the file, fill it and upload it)

    Image release consent (download the file, fill it and upload it)

    Receipt of payment




    In case you have any enquiry, please contact the Accademia di Musica's administration office

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