The Residential Music Course with Alexander Romanovsky is intended to enable students to make significant progress over a few days, working in-depth on a chosen piece in order to produce tangible results. The programme set for the course will allow them to broaden their musical horizons and to develop their identity as pianists.
The residential experience lasts for 4 days and is immersive, the student working in close contact with the Maestro. In the mornings, each participant can dedicate time to independent study. The afternoons are reserved for individual lessons, which are open to other participants as auditors.
The ultimate aim of the study pathway is to enable the student to achieve greater mastery of all facets of their chosen repertoire. At the end of the course there will be one or more public concerts, giving the participants the opportunity to assess their own progress. Attention is also dedicated to future consolidation of the results achieved: during the course, the Maestro spends considerable time exploring the tools and resources necessary for students to build on the progress made, through future independent study. This will enable them to continue to grow as musicians even after completing their learning experience with Romanovsky.
“My aim is to help you develop the real potential of your interpretation in performance. Every musician is a world unto themself; however, I believe that the truest insights arise from contact with other musicians, as you compare your musical ideas with those of others. Only by bringing together your different experiences can you achieve real awareness of your own choices, both interpretative and practical.”
Three residential courses are scheduled: 24-27 November 2024, 7-10 February 2025, and April 2025 (The dates for April will be posted on this page as soon as they are decided). In order to apply, you must complete the application form below and send it in by the end of the month before the residential course begins. The deadline for November is 13 November 2024 and for February is 22 January 2025.
The residential course is a complete experience, tailored to the individual student. If you wish, you can participate in more than one of these courses within the same academic year, depending on your own personal needs.
Three scholarships will be offered per residency to the most deserving students: one worth €300, one worth €200 and one worth €100.
In order to be admitted to a residential course you must submit an audition video: a performance of at least 15 minutes, free programme. The video must be submitted at the same time as your application: include the link to the video in the field “Admission Requirements”. Any student can choose to participate in one or in more than one residential course. If a student decides to enroll immediately in two or all three residential courses and passes the video audition for the first course, they are automatically assured of a place in the following courses.
Enrolment fee (annual)*:
€ 100
Tuition fees (for each residential course)*:
€ 500
The enrolment fee must be paid annually. It is non-refundable. The receipt proving that payment has been effected must be attached to your application to enrol. If a student wishes to attend multiple residential courses, or is enrolled in other advanced courses, they need only pay the enrolment fee required by the Accademia once per year.
The tuition fee annual attendance fee is to be paid only after passing the entrance exam, according to the instructions that will be sent by the secretary’s office.
Payments of enrolment and tuition fees must be made by bank transfer on the following bank account details:
BANK: Intesa San Paolo
ACCOUNT HELD TO: Fondazione Accademia di Musica ETS
IBAN: IT71X0306909606100000101696
ADRESS: Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10 – 10121 Milano
The Residential Music Course will be held in the centre of Turin (Palazzo Saluzzo di Paesana | Via della Consolata, 1bis).