Advanced course Performance-oriented composition
Course with several teachers
Advanced course
Study pathway
The Performance-Oriented Composition scheme is an innovative and groundbreaking programme that integrates Composition and Conducting. It aims to combine the expertise of composers with the sensitivity of performers and addresses the Composition towards its practical fulfilment in performance. Filling a gap in the current education pathways that bind the practice of Composition within the completion of a score, the Performance-Oriented-Composition scheme is a unique opportunity to develop compositional skills along with conductor training. It encourages the blossoming of contemporary practices that blend musical imagination with adventurous performances.


One-to-one tuition in Composition will be provided by Francesco Antonioni (IT), coordinator of the project, with seminars and workshops given by guest composers and composer-performers. During the academic year 2023/24 attended Silvia Borzelli (IT), Richard Danielpour (USA), Fabio Vacchi (IT), Giacomo Platini (IT),  Aleksandra Vrebalov (SRB). During the academic year 2022/23 thought Giorgio Battistelli (IT), Yannis Kyriakides (NL), Christopher Cerrone (USA), Richard Causton (UK), Pamela Z (USA), Thomas Larcher (Austria). The guest Maestri for the academic year 2024/25 were Richard Baker (UK), Lorenzo Ferrero (ITA), Francesca Verunelli (IT), Jörg Widmann (DE), Oscar Bianchi (IT). The students will rehearse with the resident ensemble under the supervision of Alessandro Cadario (IT).


From January 2026 will be provided:
  • 8 one-hour individual Composition lessons
  • 5 two-hour seminars or workshops with guest composers or composer-performers
  • 5 five-hour individual Conducting lessons
  • 3 days rehearsals with chamber ensemble
  • Final concert
Lessons will take place with monthly cadence, on Saturdays and Sundays. The languages of the course are Italian and English.


The course is suited for composers with Bachelor or Master degrees or equivalent, but is also open to anyone. The commission reserves the right to accept any talented student, even without the above-mentioned requirements. The languages of the course are Italian and English.
Applying for admission

Applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 must reach our offices by 24 November 2025.

Course fees

Enrolment fee:

€ 95.00


Tuition fees:

€ 2,100.00





The enrolment fee must be paid annually by bank transfer. It is non-refundable. Payments of enrolment and tuition fees must be made by bank transfer on the following bank account details:




IBAN: IT71X0306909606100000101696



Students intending to withdraw must inform the school office in writing as early as possible. In the case of students withdrawing from courses, neither the enrolment fee nor the tuition fees paid will be refunded. Under no circumstances will the 1st installment of tuition fees be refunded. In order to be exempted from the obligation to pay the 2nd installment of tuition fees, the written notification of withdrawal must reach our office by 1st March.

Student opportunities and the regulations
Once you have become a student of our Accademia a range of opportunities are open to you: special arrangements for accommodations and meals; a dedicated web page; free admission to all concertsstudy rooms; to attend any other lessons where auditors are allowed; the opportunity to perform in public at concerts staged by the school or by our partner associations and to join the Accademia Chamber Orchestra; free use of the concert hall to make recordings.
Francesco Antonioni
Alessandro Cadario
Performance-oriented composition
Advanced course
Composition and performance
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    1. To apply for an Advanced Music Course or Light Course, enter admission exam programme

    2. To apply for a Masterclass enter study programme

    3. To apply for Musica d’Estate summer campus, enter study programme and the teacher

    4. Enter the link to the video for the selection, if required

    5. To apply for the Postgraduate course (3rd Cycle), enter description of chamber music experience to date

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