Musica d'Estate summer course Piano
Course with several teachers
Musica d'Estate summer course
Study pathway

For every course in the programme of Musica d’Estate, students are entitled to 3 lessons of one hour each, to take place during the days of the masterclass held by the teacher they have chosen. They will also be able to attend the other lessons and to reserve one of the practice rooms made available to students for individual study.

All students, on consultation with their teacher, will have the opportunity to perform in the daily concerts organised during the course at the Church of SantIppolito and at other venues in the old town centre of Bardonecchia. Participation in the public concerts organised during the course is compulsory for students selected by their teachers to perform.


Roberto Plano 19 – 21 July
Enrico Pace 21 – 24 July
Benedetto Lupo 27 – 30 July (SELECTION BY VIDEO)
Pietro De Maria 18 – 21 July
Gabriele Carcano 23 – 26 July
Alberto Nosè 22 – 25 July
Claudio Voghera 15 – 17 July

The dates of the courses may change slightly depending on the number of students enrolled. A waiting list will be opened for courses where all places have been filled.

Applying for admission

Applicants must complete and send the admission form below, which must reach our offices by 9 June 2025. The Accademia di Musica reserves the right to accept applications that reach our office after the closing date indicated above.

It is possible for a student to attend more than one masterclass.

For more information don’t hesitate to contact us by

Entrance exam

* PLEASE NOTE: No entrance exams are required for the masterclasses, with the exception of the Benedetto Lupo course. For the selection process, students applying to join this course must send the link to a video file they have uploaded on Youtube (the programme performed on the video is free and may consist of a maximum of one or two pieces for an overall duration of 15/20 minutes. When completing the application form the link to the video must be entered in the box “Admission requirements”). Where applicants meet admission requirements equally, selection will be made on the basis of the date of submission of their applications.

Course fees



> Enrolment fee:

€ 95.00 

Enrolment fees must be paid by bank transfer* and will not be refunded, except in the case of non-admission to Benedetto Lupo’s course. If a student attends more than one masterclass the enrolment fee must be paid for each of the masterclasses chosen, unless the couses are held on the same dates.


Tuition fee:

€ 290.00

Tuition fees must be paid on arrival in Bardonecchia, before the course begins, preferably in cash. If a student attends more than one masterclass the full attendance fee must be paid for each of the courses chosen.



€ 150.00

Enrolment fees must be paid by bank transfer* 


All fees are inclusive of 22% VAT.


* Payments must be effected by bank transfer to the account c/c IBAN IT89U0200830755000003230488, SWIFT (BIC) UNCRITM1DI4 (Bank UNICREDIT – Pinerolo Porporato branch – account in the name of ‘Fondazione Accademia di Musica ETS’). IMPORTANT: the name of the student enrolling must appear in the box citing the purpose of the bank transfer.

Connections with Bardonecchia

Caselle Turin airport (a km. 90):
Aeroporto di Torino








Highway A32 (Torino – Bardonecchia – Frejus):


Comune di Bardonecchia

Roberto Plano
Enrico Pace
Benedetto Lupo
Pietro De Maria
Roberto Prosseda
Alberto Nosè
Claudio Voghera
Musica d'Estate summer course
Musica d'Estate Project
Share course

    Given Name *

    Surname *

    Date of birth *

    Place of birth *

    Tax Code

    Address (including street no.) *

    Post code *

    City *

    Country *

    Email *

    Educational qualification *

    Eligibility Requirements:

    1. To apply for an Advanced Music Course or Light Course, enter admission exam programme

    2. To apply for a Masterclass enter study programme

    3. To apply for Musica d’Estate summer campus, enter study programme and the teacher

    4. Enter the link to the video for the selection, if required

    5. To apply for the Postgraduate course (3rd Cycle), enter description of chamber music experience to date

    DO NOT upload files with the same name.

    Privacy disclaimer (download the file, fill it and upload it)

    Image release consent (download the file, fill it and upload it)

    Receipt of payment




    In case you have any enquiry, please contact the Accademia di Musica's administration office

    Courses and masterclasses
    3rd level
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