Gioia Barbera

Gioia Barbera born in Rome, Italy, on February 3, 2001. She began studying piano at the age of 7 with M° Eleonora Orlando.
She has been awarded with many prizes over the last years:
Second Prize 91/100, VI International Piano Competition “Città di Acquaviva delle Fonti”, Bari (2022); First Prize 99/100, 13° International Competition “Francavilla Fontana-Città degli imperiali”, Brindisi (2022); Second Prize, International Competition “Alpin Triglav”, (Slovenia 2022); First Prize, VIII International Art Contest Adria Art Fest (Slovenia 2021); Second Prize 91/100, International Piano Competition “Città di San Donà di Piave”, Venezia (2021); Second Prize 90/100, European Piano Competition “Sonja Pahor”, Roma (2021); First Prize 100/100, International Music Competition “Gianni Rodari”, Verbania (2021); First Prize 96/100, International Music Competition ”Città di Fasano”, Brindisi (2021); Second Prize 90/100, 13° International Music Competition “Luigi Cerritelli”, Milano (2021); Special Prize, Ise Shima International Competition for Young Musician (Japan 2021); Third Prize 87/100, Tenth International Competition for Young Musician “Città di Massa” (2021); Second Prize 94/100, Music Competition “7 Note Romane”, Roma (2019); First Prize 97/100, International Music Competition Città di Tarquinia, Roma (2019), and many others.
She had performed in festivals, organised by Santa Cecilia Conservatory of Rome and
otherspublic organizations, in several concert halls in Italy and abroad: Auditorium San
Domenico, Foligno; Academic Hall, Conservatorio Santa Cecilia, Rome; Palazzo Piacentini, San benedetto del Tronto; Tempio San Giovanni Battista, San Gemini; Chiesa San Francesco, Nocera Umbra; Auditorium Conservatorio Lorenzo Perosi, Castello Monforte di Campobasso; Cristal Hall, Rogaska Slatina, (Slovenia); Auditorium Conservatorio Licinio Refice, Frosinone; Gangemi Hall, Biblioteca Carlo Levi, Genzano di Roma; La stanza della musica, Roma.
During her studies she attended numerous masterclasses of distinguish international piano musicians, including: Giovanni Bellucci, Enrico Pace, Boris Petrushansky, Roberto Plano, Igor Roma, Franco Scala and Giorgia Tomassi.
In 2019, she has graduated from Liceo Scientifico Statale Democrito, and, at the same
time, she was attending the Three-Year Academic Course at “Santa Cecilia” Conservatory, Rome, Italy.
During December 2019, she got selected to perform for the Human Rights Day “La donna e la Rivoluzione” (Woman and Revolution), at the Academic Hall of “Santa Cecilia” Conservatory, Roma, Italy.
During July 2021, she graduated, obtaining the First Level Piano Academic Degree at
the”Santa Cecilia” Conservatory, Roma, with the highest marks, magna cum laude and
honor mention, under the guidance of M° Alessandra Torchiani.
Since 2015, she has embarked in artistic partnerships of Chamber music playing regularly in duo, trio, quintets and sextets.
She attended numerous masterclasses of Chamber music of distinguish international
musicians, including: Veronika Khizanishvili, Roberto Galletto, Maurizio Valentini, Laura
Pietrocini and Giacomo Bellucci.
She is currently completing her Second Level Piano Academic Degree at the ”Licinio
Recife” Conservatory, Frosinone, under the guidance of M° Giorgia Tomassi.

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