Marta Michetti
Born in Susa (Turin) she began studying the violin at the age of eight at “G.B. Somis”
music school. She was admitted in 2019 at the “G.F. Ghedini” Conservatory of Music
in Cuneo where she studied with M° Igor Cantarelli and then M° Cecilia Laca.
She moved, from November 2023, to the “Giuseppe Verdi” Conservatory of Turin in
the class of M° Paola Tumeo.
She participated during summer 2023 in the masterclass held by Marta Tortia.
She achieved a Classical diploma in June 2023 at “Norberto Rosa” Classical High
School, in Susa, and currently studies Biological Science at the University of Turin.
She is a student of the Fondazione Accademia di Musica.
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