The cello masterclass taught by Darrett Adkins takes place on the 17th of April 2025 at Accademia di Musica in Pinerolo.
Free Programme.
Each student will have 2 lessons.
Any additional lessons must be agreed upon by the Artistic Director of the Accademia, who will evaluate the request for lessons in consultation with the course teacher.
The Masterclass is open to cellists – also without the Diploma – who have already performed concerts or taken part in competitions.
Deadline for sending inscriptions to the masterclass is the 31st of March 2025.
Applicants must complete and send the admission form below. The Accademia di Musica reserves the right to accept applications that reach our office after the closing date indicated above.
– Masterclass students:
Enrolment fee: € 65,00 for external students – € 40,00 for Accademia students
Tuition fee: € 180,00
– Auditors:
Attendance fee: € 30,00
Payment of the enrolment fee must be made when you send your application to attend the Masterclass, by means of a bank draft or postal order made payable to ‘Fondazione Accademia di Musica ETS’, or by bank transfer to the account c/c IBAN IT71X0306909606100000101696
If the applicant is NOT admitted to Masterclass the enrolment fee will be refunded. If the application is successful but the student withdraws from the Masterclass, there will be NO refund of the enrolment fee.