Valentina Petrone, born in Acri on 15/10/2001, began studying piano at the age of 8 with Maestro Emanuela Pesce. She then continued her musical studies at the “S. Giacomantonio” Conservatory in Cosenza under the guidance of Maestro Angelo Pietro Guido, obtaining the Second Level Academic Diploma with top marks and honors.
She participates in piano Masterclasses held by Maestros such as Angelo Arciglione, Luis Pipa, Alexander Hintchev, Silvana Skenderi, Jesus Gomez, Alberto Miodini, Maria Perrotta, Cristiano Burato.
She performs at the latest edition of the CoRo Piano City in Rossano and at the XXIII edition of Armonie Arte Festival 2023 in Borgia (Cz).
She wins various prizes in National and International Piano Competitions, such as:
– Third prize at the II national musical and vocal competition “Gustav Mahler” in Amendolara (Cs) – sect. Piano (May 2012).
-First prize at the VI national music competition “Le note in chiave” in Acri (Cs)- Piano section (May 2012).
-First absolute prize at the V national music competition “Luciano Luciani” in Cosenza- Chamber music section (May 2014).
-First absolute prize at the VIII national music competition “Le note in chiave” in Acri (Cs)- Chamber music section (May 2014).
-Third prize at the VIII national music competition “Luciano Luciani” in Cosenza- Piano section (November 2017).
-First absolute prize at the VI International Sibaritide Competition in Corigliano (Cs)- Piano section (May 2024).
She is a student of the Fondazione Accademia di Musica.