Advanced course Chamber music
Carlo Fabiano
Advanced course
Study pathway

Carlo Fabiano proposes a course with a lab approach to camber music that allows students to study and explore the chamber music repertoire of the most varied formations: solo strings, strings with piano, strings and winds with and without piano. This approach gives participants the opportunity to tackle personalized, even individual paths for the study of individual parts from the chamber repertoire up to the octet and nonet repertoire. The course is also an opportunity to select young ensembles to be recommended to the network of seasons and festivals connected to the Accademia di Musica.

The course consists of 8 lessons, divided into 4 teaching sessions organised during the academic year. The lessons will be taught by Carlo Fabiano, following this monthly schedule:

  • January – I teaching session
  • March – II teaching session
  • May – III teaching session
  • June – IV teaching session

Any additional lessons must be agreed upon by the Artistic Director of the Accademia, who will evaluate the request for lessons in consultation with the course teacher.



Advanced music course for students up to the age of 35.

Applying for admission

Applications for the Academic Year 2023/2024 must reach our offices
by 15 December 2023.

Please, fill the form at the end of this page.

Course fees

> Allievi effettivi:

The enrolment fee must be paid by each component and and receipt must be attached to the form below during registration. Students already enrolled in other courses at the Accademia di Musica do not need to pay the enrolment fee again.

– TUITION FEE: 600 €
The tuition fee is to be paid by each member within the time specified by the administration office after admission to the course.




The enrolment fee must be paid annually by bank transfer. It is non-refundable. Payments of enrolment and tuition fees must be made by bank transfer on the following bank account details:

BANK: Intesa San Paolo

ACCOUNT HELD TO: Accademia di Musica onlus

IBAN: IT71X0306909606100000101696


ADRESS: Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10 – 10121 Milano


Carlo Fabiano
Chamber music
Advanced course
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    Educational qualification *

    Eligibility Requirements:

    1. To apply for an Advanced Music Course or Light Course, enter admission exam programme

    2. To apply for a Masterclass enter study programme

    3. To apply for Musica d’Estate summer campus, enter study programme and the teacher

    4. Enter the link to the video for the selection, if required

    5. To apply for the Postgraduate course (3rd Cycle), enter description of chamber music experience to date

    DO NOT upload files with the same name.

    Privacy disclaimer (download the file, fill it and upload it)

    Image release consent (download the file, fill it and upload it)

    Receipt of payment




    In case you have any enquiry, please contact the Accademia di Musica's administration office

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