Q&A Piano
Sergei Babayan
Q&A con Sergei Babayan

The Q&A (Question and Answer) with Sergei Babayan allows an open dialogue with one of the leading pianists of our time, a former winner of international competitions such as Cleveland and Hamamatsu and a lecturer at the Juilliard School in New York, acclaimed for his emotional intensity, daring energy and remarkable levels of colour. The meeting takes place at the Academy of Music on Wednesday 9 October 2024 from 10.00 to 11.30 am.


The evening before the Q&A, Maestro Babayan inaugurates the 2024/25 Concert Season with a concert. He will perform 29 songs with music by Schubert-Liszt, Schumann-Liszt, Liszt, Grieg-Babayan, Rachmaninov-Wild, Rachmaninov-Volodos, Kreisler-Rachmaninoff, Mompou, Hahn-Babayan, Arlen-Jarrett, Hindemith, Komitas-Saradjian, Fauré, Bizet, Reynolds, Poulenc, Fauré-Babayan, Trenet-Weissenberg, Gershwin-Whitney.


To register for the Q&A send an email to specializzazione@accademiadimusica.it by 1/10/2024.

Registration for the Q&A does not reserve a place for the 8 October concert. If you are interested, please follow the instructions for the Concert Season ticket office. Please also mention this in your registration email.


  • For Accademia, Conservatorio and Istituto Corelli students: € 5
  • For external students: € 10

Payment must be made when you send your application to attend the Q&A, by means by bank transfer to the account c/c IBAN IT71X0306909606100000101696 BIC (SWIFT) BCITITMM – Fondazione Accademia di Musica

Payment can also be made via Satispay.

Sergei Babayan
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